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For passenger numbers of ten or more ,Templeton Travel will check with the airlines for group fare quotes and seat availability. An acceptable rate and itinerary can be secured with a deposit. The deposit amount varies by airline, most usually $100 per seat. In most cases, the airline will not apply the deposit to the ticket purchase. The deposit is refunded from 4-6 weeks after travel is complete.

The earlier groups can be confirmed, the better likelihood of getting the best price and schedule. Requesting fare quotes from multiple sources, simultaneously, can adversely impact your group. An airline will only offer one quote on a pending group; even if Templeton Travel were normally able to secure a more advantageous rate. Keep in mind that group rates are not always less than individual prices, as the airline is granting flexibility that is not offered with published or internet fares.

Ninety days prior to scheduled departure the number of seats needed must be confirmed. Seat cancellations after this time will result in the loss of the deposit for that seat. In addition, beyond this reduction deadline the group must use 80%-90% of the confirmed seats, depending on the airline. Failure to meet this utilization criteria will, again, result in deposit loss.

The group must maintain a minimum 10 passengers, or the airline may withdraw the fare and seats.
All names are due 45 days prior to departure. Names must match federally issued identification. Name corrections incur penalties, after ticket purchase.
Full payment and ticket issue is also due 45 days prior to travel.
The specifics of your group's agreement with the airline will be provided to you in a simplified and easy to read contract summary. Templeton Travel will require your signature on this summary, and that it be returned with your deposit. As you can see, the details involved in group bookings can be a bit overwhelming. Let Templeton Travel navigate and negotiate for you.

*Please note that these points are generalized and each airline's program can be different.

Templeton Travel Services, Inc.
2700 Rogers Drive, Suite 203

Homewood, AL 35209
205 879-9000
205 879-9003-fax